新西兰中华新闻通讯社,简称 NZ 华新社,于 2003 年 9 月 19 日由创始人景曦先生在新西兰奥克兰市正式登记注册。这是当时大洋洲唯一的华媒新闻通讯社。
随着网络信息社会的日新月异,NZ 华新社逐步从传统媒体格局中走出来,相继构建了多媒体融合的新西兰中华新闻网和腾讯微信公众关注号信息发布平台,以在资讯频出的数字阅览时代与时俱进地保持与中国资讯交流传播模式的密切互动和同步发展。
随着新中友好关系的不断发展,特别是 2008 年新西兰与中国正式签署自由贸易协定以来,新西兰中华新闻通讯社更致力于将新西兰社会新闻和当地华社及华人华侨的新闻资讯信息通过定向报道传播到中国,并与人民网、环球网、中新网、中国侨网等中国媒体建立了长期互动交流的友好合作关系。目前,新西兰中华新闻通讯社已成为将新西兰新闻传播到中国乃至世界各国最快捷的媒体。同时,NZ华新社还是世界华文媒体协会常务理事单位,并与全世界 200 多家海外华文媒体保持着良好的互动与合作关系。
NZ 华新社“华新经贸交流商务中心”是专为促进新西兰与中国经贸交流发展而设立的综合性新中贸易合作共赢为主题的商务服务机构。该商务中心以与新中两国多家媒体合作为特色,共同为促进新中两国经济贸易交流与合作,提供多领域实质性的商务服务:
承接中国各省、市、自治区的旅游推介以及在新西兰的推介宣传项目与活动,为新中两国的文化、教育、科技等项目交流与合作提供策划、组织、筹备、承办、推介宣传等一系列代理服务。 秉承“连接中外、沟通世界”的使命,承接商务项目策划、广告代理、商务合作、项目投资以及经贸产品销售洽谈和组织大型文化交流活动等授权商务业务。
NZCNA About us :
New Zealand China News Agency, abbreviated as NZCNA, was officially registeredonSeptember 19, 2003, by its founder Mr. Jing Xi in Auckland, New Zealand. It was the onlyChinese media news agency in Oceania at that time. Since its establishment, New Zealand China News Agency has consistently upheldastrong sense of social responsibility in the field of news media. With its unique objectiveand impartial perspective, it understands and focuses on all aspects of NewZealand'sdiverse society. It faithfully and objectively reports important news events concerningtheChinese community and their impact on New Zealand society, while timely and accuratelydisseminating information that the public finds interesting and enjoyable. The agency'sreporting content has always adhered to the principles of maintaining friendly relationsbetween New Zealand and China, promoting economic and trade cooperation anddevelopment between the two countries, and enhancing cultural and multidisciplinaryexchanges and cooperation. With the rapid development of the internet and information society, NZCNA has graduallymoved away from the traditional media landscape. It has successively establishedthemultimedia-integrated New Zealand Chinese News Network and the Tencent WeChat public subscription platform, keeping pace with the digital era of frequent informationupdates and maintaining close interaction and synchronized development with China'sinformation exchange and communication patterns. With the continuous development of friendly relations between New Zealand and China, especially since the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand andChina in 2008,New Zealand China News Agency has been dedicated to broadcastingNew Zealand's social news and local Chinese community information to China throughtargeted reporting. It has established long-term interactive and cooperative relationshipswith Chinese media such as People's Daily Online, Global Times, China News Service, and ChinaQiaowang. Currently, New Zealand China News Agency has become the fastest mediainpropagating New Zealand news to China and other countries worldwide. Additionally, NZCNA serves as an executive member of the World Federation of Chinese Media andmaintains good interaction and cooperation with over 200 overseas Chinese mediaorganizations worldwide.
The "New Zealand-China Economic and Trade Exchange Business Center" of NZCNAisa comprehensive business service institution established to promote economic and tradeexchanges and development between New Zealand and China, with a focus on win-wincooperation. The business center features collaboration with multiple media organizationsfrom both New Zealand and China, jointly providing substantial business services tofacilitate economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the two countriesacross various fields:
With the goal of promoting economic cooperation in the tourism sector between NewZealand and China, NZCNA collaborates with multiple Chinese media organizationsto jointly develop tourism projects with distinctive characteristics fromboth countries. NZCNA receives delegations and study groups from various provinces, cities, andautonomous regions of China in New Zealand, providing comprehensive receptionservices with the theme of "New Zealand-China friendship and economic and tradedevelopment." These services include event planning, conference management, andnews releases. Furthermore, interactive promotion is carried out through joint mediaplatforms. NZCNA undertakes tourism promotion projects and activities from different provinces, cities, and autonomous regions of China in New Zealand, providing a series of agency services such as planning, organization, preparation, execution, andpromotion for exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, technology, and other areas between New Zealand and China. With the mission of "connecting China and the world" in mind, NZCNA undertakesauthorized business services, including project planning, advertising agency, business cooperation, project investment, trade negotiations for economic and tradeproducts, and organization of large-scale cultural exchange activities.